
Friday, May 06, 2005


Coming Soon

Coming Soon: Examinations of:
1. Table: Conservatism vs. Liberalism
2. Taxonomy of false political ideologies
3. Christology
4. Theistic and atheistic arguments
5. Virtue Philosophy
6. Logic and Proofs
7. Shapes
8. Cults
9. Physiology
10. Evolutionism vs. Creationism
11. Biological Taxonomy
12. Taxonomy of false theologies
13. Works and Individuals that have influenced and persuaded me
14. Intelligence Quotient and Famous Geniuses
15. How to have a good attitude in Sports
16. Mathematical operations
17. Long words
18. Exercise
19. Nutrition
20. Iraq War
21. More theological definitions
22. Phobias
23. Animal extremes - life span, size, strength, sleeping patterns
24. Categorical Links
25. Music - genres
26. Drugs
27. Stem Cells
28. Ecology
29. Israel/Palestine
30. Unanswered Questions - logical v. "satisfying" answers, not having answer does not entail lack of answer, not having answer does not entail falsification of belief
31. Biblical Accuracy
32. Miracles
33. Calvinism
34. Premillenialism, Postmillenialism, Amillenialism
35. Fred Phelps
36. Mormonism
37. Jehovah's Witnesses
38. Time Travel
39. Unification Church
40. more categories to be added sooon

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