
Thursday, January 05, 2006


College Major

As of now I plan to earn a doctorate in either criminology (D.Crim) or criminal justice (D.C.J.).

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Why a Christian Worldview?

I have a Christian worldview, and you should as well, because:

Truth about reality is knowable.
The opposite of true is false.
It is true that the theistic God exists.
If God exists, then miracles are possible.
Miracles can be used to confirm a message from God (i.e., as an act of God to confirm a word from God).
The New Testament is historically reliable.
The New Testament says Jesus claimed to be God.
Jesus' claim to be God was miraculously confirmed by:a. His fulfillment of many prophecies about Himself;b. His sinless and miraculous life;c. His prediction and accomplishment of His resurrection.
Therefore, Jesus is God.
Whatever Jesus (who is God) teaches is true.
Jesus taught that the Bible is the Word of God.
Therefore, it is true that the Bible is the Word of God (and anything opposed to it is false).
(Norman L. Geisler, Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics, 36-37)
Retrieved @

See also:
9 Ways to Know The Gospel of Christ is True by Pastor John Piper


Young Earth Creationism

Young [1] Earth [2] Creationism [3] is the theory that Earth and the Universe are 6,000-15,000 years old. Young Earth Creationism correctly teaches that the Noachian flood was global. I do not personally believe in YEC, and am leaning more toward OEC but I am keeping an open mind, despite that many ridicule YEC a priori; the possibility of a young universe should be taken seriously [4]. Most people have reached a conclusion of either an old earth or a young earth, and I have been researching this issue for almost a year, but more investigation is required. See this page on radiometric dating. [5]


The important think to note is that God, as the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and omnibenevolent Creator of the universe, certainly could have created Earth in six successive 24-hour days; this belief is a necessity for all Christians.

Talk.Origins and EvoWiki have a huge list of creationist claims and rebuttals to them, but there are many instances of straw men and other logical fallacies used by Talk.Origins on very key claims. Many examples are provided in the CreationWiki. Sometimes Talk.Origins is correct, but usually in refuting outdated arguments. The tone of the site is generally unjustly anti-Christian.

I don't yet know for sure if the following arguments are true. They deal strictly with the age of the Earth and not biology, etc. If they are true, then YEC is tenable. The key issue is the validity of uniformitarianism. If uniformitarianism is false, then the the old Earth theory falls apart. If the arguments below are false, YEC must be rejected once and for all in favor of OEC.
From CreationWiki:
CC360: Taphonomy
CC360. No new fossils are being formed.
CC361. Fossils can form quickly.
CC361.1. Coal and oil can form quickly.
CC361.2. Mammoths have been found quickly frozen.
CC363. Fossilization requires sudden burial.
CC371. Evidence of blood in a Tyrannosaurus bone indicates recent burial.
CD0: Geochronology
(see also CD241: Varves can form quickly.)
CD000: Radiometric dating makes false assumptions
CD001. Radiometric dating falsely assumes rocks are closed systems.
CD002. Radiometric dating falsely assumes initial conditions are known.
CD004. Cosmic rays and free neutrinos affect U and Ar decay rates.
(see also CF200: Radiometric dating)
CD010. Radiometric dating gives unreliable results.
CD011. Carbon dating gives inaccurate results.
CD011.1. Variable C14/C12 ratio invalidates C14 dating.
CD011.2. Vollosovitch and Dima mammoths yielded inconsistent C14 dates.
CD011.3. Living snails were C14 dated at 2,300 and 27,000 years old.
CD011.4. A freshly killed seal was C14 dated at 1300 years old.
CD011.5. Triassic wood from Australia was dated at 33K years old.
CD011.6. Ancient coal and oil are C14 dated as only 50,000 years old.
CD012. U-Th dating gives inaccurate results for modern volcanic rocks.
CD013. K-Ar dating gives inaccurate results for modern volcanic rocks.
CD013.1. K-Ar dates of 1986 dacite from Mount St. Helens are very old.
CD014. Isochron dating gives unreliable results.
CD014.1. Isochron date of young Grand Canyon lava is excessively old.
CD015. Zircons retain too much helium for an old earth.
CD020. Consistency of radiometric dating comes from selective reporting.
CD031. KBS Tuff shows the flaws of radiometric dating.
CD200: Sedimentation
(see also CH540: Flood effects)
CD200. Uniformitarian assumption is untenable.
CD211. Mississippi delta could have formed in 5000 years.
CD220. Not enough sediments in the ocean for an old earth.
CD220.1. Much more sediment is deposited than removed by subduction.
CD221. Oceans haven't enough dissolved minerals for an old earth.
CD221.1. Amount of dissolved sodium in oceans
CD222. Juvenile water is added to oceans too fast for an old earth.
CD230. Natural gas escapes too fast to allow for long ages.
CD231. High pressures in oil fields would have bled off if earth were old.
CD232. Oil seepage would have drained offshore reservoirs in 20,000 years.
CD240. Experiments show that strata can violate principles of superposition.
CD241. Varves can form in less than a year.
CD250. Stalactites can grow very rapidly.
CD400: Glaciation
CD410. WWII airplanes are now beneath thousands of "annual" ice layers.
CD700: Geophysics & Plate tectonics
CD701. Earth's magnetic field is decaying, indicating a young earth.
CD701.1. Cowling's theorem disproves dynamo theory of earth's magnetic field.
CE100: Moon
CE110. Moon is receding at a rate too fast for an old universe.
CF200: Radiometric Decay
(see also CD000: Radiometric dating)
CF201. Polonium haloes indicate a young earth.
CF210. Radiometric dating falsely assumes rates are constant.
(see also CE410: Physical constants only assumed constant.)
CF220. Short-lived isotopes Th-230 and U-236 exist on the moon.
CG000: History
CG010. The oldest living thing is younger than 4900 years.
CH200-CH799: Young Earth Creationism
CH200: Age of the Universe
CH200. The universe is 6000-10000 years old.
CH210. The earth is 6000-10000 years old.
CH220. The universe was created with apparent age.
CH700: Miscellaneous Young Earth Creationism
CH710. Man and dinosaurs coexisted.
(see also CC100: Human fossils out of place)
(see also CB930.3: Dinosaurs may be in the Congo.)
CH710.1. Ica stones show humans and dinosaurs coexisted.
CH710.2. Dinosaur figurines from Acambaro show human/dino association.
CH711. Behemoth, from the book of Job, was a dinosaur.
CH711.1. Leviathan, from the book of Job, was a dinosaur.
CH712. Dragons were dinosaurs.
CH712.1. Some dinosaurs breathed fire.

The scriptural arguments for a young Earth are:

1. Scripture says the earth is young; so an old earth is contrary to God's Word.
1a. Everywhere else in scripture day means either 24 hours or else a short period of time (Day of the Lord). Making day an "age" here is not its plain meaning.
1b. 2 Pet 3:8, though it may mean a day is as 1,000 years, only pushes back creation 6,000 years more.
1c. Speaking of 2 Peter, 2 Peter 3:3-7 seems to be a clear statement of scoffers' belief in uniformitarianism. Most who hold to an old age of the earth are uniformitarians.
1d. Psalm 90:4 does not necessarily refer to creation.
1e. The years in the genealogies from Adam to Abraham, added up, give Adam's time as ~4000 B.C. Even allowing that the Bible has occasional gaps in genealogy, it is unreasonable to say there are 10,000's of years between each name. This would be against the words' plain meaning.
1f. 1 Timothy 1:4 does not explicitly refer to creation, and while we are commanded not devote ourselves to genealogies, certainly none of the Bible can be ignored.
2. Interpreting scripture says that the earth is young.
2a. If plants were created on the third day, and the sun was created on the fourth day, the plants would have all died if the days were ages.
2b. By parallelism, Job 38:4-7 refers to "Sons of God." Morning stars may not necessarily refer to inanimate stars.
2c. If the sun, moon, and stars were not made on the fourth day, that contradicts the plain sense of Gen 1:14-18.
2d. Adam could have named all the animals in less than 24 hours if he had good intelligence and memory. He did not necessarily name every species, but perhaps every genus.
2e. If the winged creatures including insects were created on the fifth day, and insects are essential for pollination of many species of plants, those plants could not reproduce if days were ages.
2f. When Adam first saw Eve, perhaps he said "at last" because he was through trying to find a helper among the animals.
2g. Romans 5:12-14 and 8:19-22 say that death came through sin and creation was corrupted too. Thus all carnivores ate meat after the fall.
2h. Genesis certainly refers to the founding of the generations of all life, so the use of Toledah is appropriate.
3. Applying Scripture Indicates the Earth is Young.
3a. If man was not on the earth for 99.98% of its history, God must not think very much of man.
3b. If God had to take a long time to make everything, what does that say about God's power?
3c. If many have read the Bible and always thought God took a short time, what does that say about God's guidance and possibly God's integrity?


The scriptural arguments for an Old Earth are as follows:
In the Old Testament, the word "day" with a number by it only occurs in Leviticus, and the context has nothing to do with creation.
A "day" in Hebrew does not always mean 24 hours.
Genesis 2:4 says "in the day (singular) that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens" (NKJV). The Bible Knowledge Commentary : Old Testament p.30 says the Hebrew here is "(beyom, lit., 'in the day,' and idiom for 'when')".
The Day of the Lord (Isaiah 2:12-21; 13:6,9; Obadiah 15; Amos 5:18-20, etc.) has to be more than 24 hours because it includes the Second Coming and final judgment according to The New International Dictionary of the Bible p.258. The Day [singular] of the Lord here included the period of the Tribulation and the millennial kingdom according to the Wycliffe Bible Dictionary p.430.
The Day of salvation in Isaiah 49:8.
A Day of judgment for the proud and lofty in Isaiah 2:12. In possibly other places the Hebrew word for day can mean more than 24 hours in other places too Examples are Genesis 35:3, 1 Samuel 8:8, 1 Chronicles 17:5, 2 Chronicles 6:5; Psalm 8:18; Jeremiah 17:18; Amos 3:14; Obadiah 11-14; Micah 2:5; 7:12; Zephaniah 1, etc..
1. Scripture says the earth is greater than 10,000 old and allows a great age.
1a. Can God's day be a long time? If not, then we have to cut 2 Pet 3:8 out of our Bibles.
1a. In Isaiah's and Hosea's, "day" could mean period of time
as well as 24 hours.
Hugh Ross The Fingerprint of God Promise Publishing Orange Ca. 92667 1989 p.146-154.
1b. Since God obviously had 2 Peter 3:8 written for us to read and believe, and the context is creation, then saying one creation day is 24 hours contradicts 2 Peter 3:8. Should we disbelieve God? Since a day is like (not equal to) 1000 years, then that means a day of God can be an age.
1c. While 2 Peter 3:3-7 does probably refer to modern uniformitarians, Christians should base their beliefs on truth and not just react to unbelievers. When believers deny truthful things, Satan can use that to harden the unbelief of non-Christians.
1d. Psalm 90:4 is a second warning that a Day of God in scripture is not to be taken as 24 hours. Since this refers to God's days in general, it certainly also applies to creation. Since 1,000 years is compared to both a day and a watch in the night for God, that also emphasizes like, not equal.
1e. While all scripture is accurate and true, scripture many times has imprecision. See Matt 28:1, Mark 16:1, Luke 24:1 and John 20:1 for an example. 1 Tim 1:4 may be telling us that more precision should not be assumed for the genealogies than is really there. The names may be thought of as founders of dynasties and cultures rather than just sons.
1f. 1 Tim 1:4 indicates that less attention should be paid to genealogies than other parts of scripture. Other genealogies have gaps Cainan in Luke 3:33 is mentioned in Genesis in Septuagint but not in Hebrew, and Matt 1:2-13 omits Ahaziah, good king Joash, Amaziah, and Pedaiah. Since son can mean descendent in Hebrew, there is not a problem.
2. Interpreting Scripture Indicates the Earth May be Old
2a. If one of God's days must be only 24 hours, then 2 Peter 3:8 is wrong. If a day was 1,000 years, then recent creationists have the same difficulty. The answer to this dilemma is that the sun was not needed for plants, since light had already been created.
2b. Job 38:4-7 indicates stars (and Sons of God) were already created when the earth was being formed. Therefore the fourth day is not when they were first created. More likely, it is the day they first appeared in the expanse from the earth's viewpoint. Since this is so for the stars, it is probably the same for the moon and sun too.
2c. While this is not the plain sense of Gen 1:14-18, Gen 1:14-18 allows this, and the plain sense goes against the plain sense of Job 38:4-7.
2d. Adam must have had a computer to within 24 hours name all the 18,800 current species of birds and land animals. Perhaps that is how the forbidden fruit got confused with an Apple!
2e. The first plants probably did not need insects, and plants that did need insects came about later by speciation.
2f. When Adam first saw Eve, said "at last" or "finally" (Heb happa'am). A long time must have passed since Adam started looking for a mate.
2g. Romans 5:12-14 and 8:19-22 refer to man's spiritual death and expulsion from Eden. Fossils of many carnivores lived long before man.
2h. Gen 2:4 uses the Hebrew word Toledah "generations" to describe the creation. Toledah never means a short period.
3. Applying Scripture Allows the Earth to be Old
3a. If God took so long to prepare the earth for man before He was made, God must really value man.
3b. If instead of acting quickly God took his time (4.6 billion years) to create the earth, then surely time means nothing to God.
3c. If God (or Satan) gave so many false clues showing the earth is old, what does that say about God's integrity?


See the Bible Query from Genesis by the Christian Debater @

Monday, January 02, 2006


9/11 Conspiracy Theories

9/11 conspiracy theories are still running rampant and conspiracy theorists won't give it a rest; the 9/11 domestic conspiracy theory has long been debunked. See the links in the sidebar of the Zimfora blog for refutations of the many false claims about the hijackers, the NORAD response, the WTC collapses, the Pentagon strike, Flight 93 crash, Osama bin Laden, and others.


The Bible is Inerrant

The 66 Books of the Bible, as God's Inspired Word, areinerrant (at least in their original manuscripts).

The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy 1978
A Christian Thinktank
Over-dex of Objections
Hallway of Questions
400 Alleged Bible Contradictions Answered
Countering 143+ Purported Bible Contradictions
The Textual Reliability of the New Testament
When Critics Ask
Skeptics Annotated Bible Refuted
Calculated Contempt: Why Critics of the Bible Do Not Deserve the Benefit of the Doubt
The Skeptics Annotated Bible: Corrected & Explained
101 Cleared-Up Contradictions in the Bible
Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy Refuted
Alleged Discrepancies
On Bible Errors and Contradictions: A Defense of Sacred Scripture as Inerrant
Bible Difficulties
A Harmony of the Resurrection Accounts
Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics



I've normally held that the Earth is old, but now I don't have a strong opinion either way. Even though to most a young earth sounds ludicrous, it is intellectually dishonest to rule it out a priori. An Old Earth is based on uniformitarianism (the theory that all geologic phenomena may be explained as the result of existing forces having operated uniformly from the origin of the earth to the present time), which CreationWiki questions. Belief in six successive 24-hour days is not necessary for salvation. Whatever one's beliefs, one must not apostasize. [Hebrews 10:26]

Regardless of Earth's age, macroevolution is false, and therefore even maximal theistic evolution is false. [Click here for a site espousing theistic evolution.]

1. 29 'Evidences' For Macroevolution - debunking universal common descent
2. Camp Answers Theobald - Talk.Origins posted a rebuttal which Ashby L. Camp refutes
3. A Continuation of Spetner vs. Max - macroevolution; b-cell hypermutation model; role of gene duplication; meaning of "evolution;" information content of proteins; conclusion jumping; antibiotic resistance as an example of evolution; gene families as example of duplication, selection, and mutation. Lee M. Spetner is the author of "Not by Chance!"
4. Thermodynamics vs. Evolutionism by Timothy Wallace
5. A Theory of Biblical Creation by Timothy Wallace - Bible is reliable; morphological and molecular similarities between organisms due to design by God; global flood and aftermath; concurrence with 2nd law of thermodynamics; original organisms and ecosystems had high complexity, variety, and adaptability which is constantly decreasing since the Fall; net decrease in genetic information from genetically complete/perfect created kinds [see #43] due to the Fall
6. Darwin's Black Box by Michael J. Behe book.
7. The Problem of Information by Royal Truman - refutes Richard Dawkins
8. Self-Organization and Irreducibly Complex Systems: A Reply to Shanks and Joplin
9. Some Biological Problems With the Natural Selection Theory
10. The Five Crises of Evolutionary Theory -

  1. The unsubstantiation of a Darwinian mechanism of evolution
  2. The total failure of origin of life studies to produce a workable model
  3. The inability of evolutionary mechanism to explain the origin of complex adaptations
  4. The bankruptcy of the blind watchmaker hypothesis
  5. The biological evidence that the rule in nature is morphological stability over time and not constant change.
11. Rebuttals to Criticism's of "Darwin's Black Box"
12. The Evolution of the Human Eye by Sean D. Pitman, M.D.
13. The Bible and Paleontology
14. Creation and Evolution: A Look at the Evidence - multiple separate ancestries better explains the biological and paleontological evidence than universal common ancestry (see #1 and #2)
15. Evolution - comparison of philosophies and mechanisms of naturalistic atheistic evolution, theistic evolution, progressive creation, and old Earth creation
16. On the Alleged Dinosaurian Ancestry of Birds - the claim that Protarchaeopteryx robusta and Caudipteryx zoui prove bird evolution from theropod dinosaurs is unsubstantiated
17. What About the Evolution of the Horse?
18. Five Major Evolutionist Misconceptions About Evolution - [Macro]evolution has never been observed; [macroevolution] violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics; there are no transitional fossils; macroevolutionary theory says that life originated, and evolution proceeds, by random chance; [macro]evolution is only a theory, it hasn't been proved.
19. Tim Wallace Answers Wayne Duck - Wayne Duck uses technically legal but misleading definitions. He uses a straw man, falsely claiming that Wallace rejects microevolution (ie, genetic variation) [see #42]. Duck often misquotes Wallace, and even apparently unwittingly admits that macroevolution has never been observed. He displays an ignorance of thermodynamics [see #4] and fails to point out specific, empirically evident mechanisms/processes for macroevolution, as well as unambiguous transitional fossils.
20. What's Wrong With Bishop Spong? - self-professed Christian and influential public speaker John Shelby Spong has blatantly anti-Christian views that contradict scripture and science.
21. A Creation Perspective
22. Second Thoughts About Peppered Moths
23. Behe Responds to his Critics
24. Who's Really Pushing 'Bad Science'?
25. Refutation of Boyce Rensberger's Anti-Creationist Washington Post Article
26. The Unsuitability of B-Cell Maturation as an Analogy for Neo-Darwininian Theory (NDT) by Royal Truman
27. Why Abiogenesis is Impossible - NDT abiogenesis claim is falsified by molecular biology.
28. Critical Characteristics and the Irreducible Knee Joint
29. The Overselling of Whale Evolution
30. Evolution (?) of the Horse
31. Evolution: Possible or Impossible? by Dr. James F. Coppedge
32. Donkeys, Horses, Mules, and Evolution
33. Pseudogenes
34. When "Junk" DNA Isn't Junk
35. Homologies by Leonard R. Brand
36. Genetic Phylogeny by Sean D. Pitman, M.D. [see #1 and #2 for more about phylogenies]
37. The Search for an Evolutionary Mechanism by Ariel A. Roth - Lamarckism -> Darwinism -> Mutations -> Population Evolution -> Modern Synthesis -> Diversity Period
38. Biochemical Limits to Evolution
39. Information, Science, and Biology
40. Neo-Darwinism's Unsolved Problem of the Origin of Morphological Novelty
41. Intelligent Design: The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic Categories by Stephen C. Meyer
42. A Theory of Small Evolution by David A. Plaisted - distinguishing microevolution and macroevolution.
43. The Biblical Kinds Defined by David A. Plaisted
44. Life: Evidence for Creation by Prof. George T. Javor
45. Chemical Evolution by Rene Evard and David Schrodetzki
46. Fossil Patterns: A Classification and Evaluation by Jim Gibson
47. Evolutionary Theory: The Big Problems!

Regardless of the age of Earth, Progressive Creationism has serious flaws, such as the false teaching that the Noachian flood was a local event using discredited anti-Ark arguments refuted by John Woodmorappe and others. Unfortunately many of Hugh Ross's teachings are not scriptural. Nature is not the 67th book of the Bible; Dual Revelation theory is false. It lacks scriptural support. The Bible is the infallible word of God but the earth and mankind's methodology is fallible as a result of sin and the Fall. His teachings seem to reveal a level of insecurity about the harmony of science and the Bible. The Hebrew in Genesis does not say that "the sun and stars were created before the earth, and merely ‘appeared’ to a hypothetical observer on earth on the fourth 'day'". Job 40:17 and surrounding passages fit a sauropod dinosaur better than a hippo or elephant because of the nature of the tale; perhaps it is a crocodile but it is almost certainly not a mammal. I don't want to disparage Ross's Christianity, but sometimes his apologetics are indeed dubious. If the Earth is old then some other Old Earth Creationism incorporating Intelligent Design would be the best theory, but not Progressive Creationism as outlined by Hugh Ross. says that the Noachian flood was local, but this is false. There are valid scriptural and scientific arguments supporting a global flood and valid arguments refuting a local flood.


The Noachian Flood Was Global

The Noachian Flood as described in Genesis 6-9 was global. While the vapor canopy and runaway subduction theories are doubtful, the hydroplate theory makes sense. Insects survived on floating vegetation mats and perhaps even on the ark. All kinds could fit; perhaps many juvenile animals were taken aboard. The average land animal is small. Animals could have hibernated on the ark if necessary; God could have made this happen miraculously. The crew could certainly feed and take care of the animals. Plants and aquatic organisms could have survived the flood.

In a young earth view, the flood is what caused an ice age.

Please read "Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study" by John Woodmorappe. On Amazon it's out of stock but available from several sellers, but it's much more inexpensive at Answers in Genesis. Please visit this FAQ about the book.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year 2006


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