
Friday, May 20, 2005


My Philosophy

Abortion: no, kept to a minimum
Abortion clinic bombings: no
Adoption: yes
Affirmative Action: not sure yet
Afghanistan War: yes
Animal torture: no
Assisted suicide: no
Axiology: pietism and extropianism
Biology: Biblical creationism
Building codes: yes
Christology: orthodox, anti-heresy
Cloning: not sure yet
Cremation: allowed
Cryptids: no
Death penalty: yes
Depleted uranium: no
Discrimination in economic association: allowed
Economy: capitalism, anticommunism
Employee training:
Energy source: fusion, hydroelectric, wind, solar
Epistemology: synthesis of skepticism, rationalism, and empiricism
Equal pay for equal work: not sure yet
Eugenics: no
Euthanasia: not sure yet
First strike nuclear weapons: not sure yet
Food stamps:
Gambling: not sure yet
Gay marriage: no
Gay military service: yes
Government: republican democracy
Gun locks:
Gun purchase waiting periods:
Gun registration:
Hate crimes: no
Helmet use: optional
Holocaust denial: no
Hunting for sport: yes
In-vitro fertilization: not sure yet
Iraq War: yes (after being anti-war for 2 years)
Isolationism: no
Line-item veto: yes
Mandated seat belt use: yes
Maximum hours:
Metaphysics: supernaturalism
Military draft:
Noachian Flood: global
Origin of universe: probably the Big Bang
Patriot Act: not sure yet
Permanent replacements for strikers: yes
Plant closure notice:
Private ownership of military weaponry: no
Property growth controls: no
Psychoactive drugs: no
Racial segregation: no
Racism: no
Religion: Biblical Christianity, Protestantism
Rent control: no
Seatbelt use: yes
Sexism: no
Slavery: no
Social Security: privatized
Suicide: bad idea
Taxes: flat
Theology: monotheism, eutheism
Underage drinking: no
Unemployment insurance: not sure yet
Vegetarianism/Veganism: no; unhealthy

more issues and categories coming soon

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