Ethnocracy is government by a particular ethnic group, whereas the ethnicity of the governing officials is irrelevant and their competence is what is important.
Gerontocracy is a form of oligarchical rule in which an entity is ruled by a small clique of leaders, in which the oldest hold the most power.
Gynarchy is rule by women.
Kakistocracy is government by the worst citizens, and is obviously not even rational to consider as a viable political philosophy.
Kleptocracy is rule by thieves.
Krytocracy is rule by judges.
Liberalism usually advocates the following policies:
1. Right to abortion of viable fetuses.
- The right to have an abortion is often abused. Pregnancy is in fact rarely caused by rape or incest. Therefore it is up to sexually active couples who don't want children to use contraception, including teenagers. Many (though not all) teenagers are not emotionally ready to have a sexual relationship, much less be responsible for children, which is especially difficult if they wish to continue their school career. If pregnancy has not been prevented, then there is the option to allow the baby to by adopted by responsible couples who may choose adoption because of fertility problems or other reasons. The repulsive process of abortion is both physically and emotionally dangerous for the mother.
2. The policy of inflating the money supply risks higher inflation.
3. Tax 40-70% of high incomes and wealthy estates.
4. Ban discrimination in economic association
5. Oppose mandatory balanced budgets
6. Maximum hours
7. Gay Marriage.
- Many people have a misunderstanding of homosexuality. Contrary to popular belief, much less than 10% of the general population is gay. The true figure is closer to 2-3%. Despite the rarity of homosexuals, 1/3 of pedophiles are gay. The Human Genome Project found no gay gene; homosexuality is not genetic, but is a behavior pattern that can be abandoned. Homosexuality is perhaps caused by childhood influences. It is tough to find a homosexual who did not experience the traumatic intense rejection, molestation, or the shock of an precocious sexual experience. If homosexuality were someday proven to be genetically caused, "inborn" does not mean normal or "moral."
- Because marriage is a privilege and not a right, the state must have a standard for issuing marriage licenses. Granting same-sex couples the right to marry devalues true marriage between a man and a woman. Male and female bodies complement each other and are meant to come together for purposes of procreation and expression of true love. Intimate sexual activity is more orderly and socially accountable when marriage is limited to being between a man and a woman. Homosexual sex is dangerous and destructive to the human body, causing such STDs as syphilis. Marriage of heterosexual couples promotes procreation and guarantees the benefits of child rearing by the distinct attributes of both father and mother. Thirty-seven states have already passed a Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) stating that marriage is between a man and a woman, and for good reason. Christianity and many other religions concur that homosexuality is unnatural and morally wrong.
How can this issue be dealt with?
Hate crimes and violence are not the solution under any circumstances. Many solutions are being proposed, so if it concerns you, feel free to search the internet.
8. more coming soon
Libertarianism, at least in many of the political party's (Libertarian with a capital L) policies, is highly flawed.
1. Many Libertarians are pro-choice. (see Liberalism above).
2. Some want to abolish money and currency.
3. Many want to practice isolationism.
-This ignores the state's duty to avert and defend against foreign agression. A state also needs to regulate international trade, in addition to controlling annexations and secessions.
4. A number of Libertarians want immigration without regard for linguistic or economic proficiency.
5. Libertarians want to allow gay marriage.
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