
Thursday, May 05, 2005


Political Science & Governments M-P

Marxism, the political and economic philosophy developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, is the concept that human actions and institutions are economically determined and that class struggle is needed to create historical change and that "oppressive" capitalism will be superseded by a socialist and ultimately classless society.


Matriarchy is rule by mothers or women.

Military Junta is rule by a group of military officers country after they seize power.

Monarchy - Absolute & Constitutional

Nazism is the political ideology of Adolf Hitler, a man of great evil who oversaw the murder of over 20,900,000 people under the Nazi Third Reich between 1933 and 1945. Hitler supported abortion, capital punishment, censorship, Christianity, eugenics, euthanasia, genocide, gun control, and racial purity. Hitler opposed atheism, capitalism, communism, democracy, feminism, Freemasonry, feminism, homosexuality, Jews, miscegeneration, nudism, pacifism, Poles, Slavs, and smoking. Nazism is a stupid ideology and Neo-Nazis need to straighten themselves out.

Ochlocracy is government by mobs. Ochlocracy violates personal liberty by unlimited coercion, unfair treatment, and torture by strong persons. It violates personal security by freely allowing robbery and assassination.

Oligarchy is rule by few.

Panarchy is universal rule.

Plantocracy is government by plantation owners.

Plutocracy is rule by the wealthy.


Pornocracy is government by prostitutes.

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