I've normally held that the Earth is old, but now I don't have a strong opinion either way. Even though to most a young earth sounds ludicrous, it is intellectually dishonest to rule it out
a priori. An Old Earth is based on
uniformitarianism (the theory that all geologic phenomena may be explained as the result of existing forces having operated uniformly from the origin of the earth to the present time), which
CreationWiki questions. Belief in six successive 24-hour days is not necessary for salvation. Whatever one's beliefs, one must not
apostasize. [
Hebrews 10:26]
Regardless of Earth's age, macroevolution is false, and therefore even maximal
theistic evolution is false. [Click
here for a site espousing theistic evolution.]
29 'Evidences' For Macroevolution - debunking universal common descent
Camp Answers Theobald - Talk.Origins posted a rebuttal which Ashby L. Camp refutes
A Continuation of Spetner vs. Max - macroevolution; b-cell hypermutation model; role of gene duplication; meaning of "evolution;" information content of proteins; conclusion jumping; antibiotic resistance as an example of evolution; gene families as example of duplication, selection, and mutation. Lee M. Spetner is the author of "Not by Chance!"
Thermodynamics vs. Evolutionism by Timothy Wallace5.
A Theory of Biblical Creation by Timothy Wallace - Bible is reliable; morphological and molecular similarities between organisms due to design by God;
global flood and aftermath; concurrence with 2nd law of thermodynamics; original organisms and ecosystems had
high complexity, variety, and adaptability which is constantly decreasing since the
Fall; net decrease in genetic information from genetically complete/perfect created kinds [see #43] due to the Fall
Darwin's Black Box by Michael J. Behe book.
The Problem of Information by Royal Truman - refutes Richard Dawkins
Self-Organization and Irreducibly Complex Systems: A Reply to Shanks and Joplin9.
Some Biological Problems With the Natural Selection Theory10.
The Five Crises of Evolutionary Theory -
- The unsubstantiation of a Darwinian mechanism of evolution
- The total failure of origin of life studies to produce a workable model
- The inability of evolutionary mechanism to explain the origin of complex adaptations
- The bankruptcy of the blind watchmaker hypothesis
- The biological evidence that the rule in nature is morphological stability over time and not constant change.
Rebuttals to Criticism's of "Darwin's Black Box"12.
The Evolution of the Human Eye by Sean D. Pitman, M.D.13.
The Bible and Paleontology14.
Creation and Evolution: A Look at the Evidence - multiple separate ancestries better explains the biological and paleontological evidence than universal common ancestry (see #1 and #2)
Evolution - comparison of philosophies and mechanisms of naturalistic atheistic evolution, theistic evolution, progressive creation, and old Earth creation
On the Alleged Dinosaurian Ancestry of Birds - the claim that
Protarchaeopteryx robusta and
Caudipteryx zoui prove bird evolution from theropod dinosaurs is unsubstantiated
What About the Evolution of the Horse?18.
Five Major Evolutionist Misconceptions About Evolution - [Macro]evolution has never been observed; [macroevolution] violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics; there are no transitional fossils; macroevolutionary theory says that life originated, and evolution proceeds, by random chance; [macro]evolution is only a theory, it hasn't been proved.
Tim Wallace Answers Wayne Duck - Wayne Duck uses technically legal but misleading definitions. He uses a straw man, falsely claiming that Wallace rejects microevolution (ie, genetic variation) [see #42]. Duck often misquotes Wallace, and even apparently unwittingly admits that macroevolution has never been observed. He displays an ignorance of thermodynamics [see #4] and fails to point out specific, empirically evident mechanisms/processes for macroevolution, as well as unambiguous transitional fossils.
What's Wrong With Bishop Spong? - self-professed Christian and influential public speaker John Shelby Spong has blatantly anti-Christian views that contradict scripture and science.
A Creation Perspective22.
Second Thoughts About Peppered Moths23.
Behe Responds to his Critics24.
Who's Really Pushing 'Bad Science'?25.
Refutation of Boyce Rensberger's Anti-Creationist Washington Post Article26.
The Unsuitability of B-Cell Maturation as an Analogy for Neo-Darwininian Theory (NDT) by Royal Truman27.
Why Abiogenesis is Impossible - NDT abiogenesis claim is falsified by molecular biology.
Critical Characteristics and the Irreducible Knee Joint29.
The Overselling of Whale Evolution30.
Evolution (?) of the Horse31.
Evolution: Possible or Impossible? by Dr. James F. Coppedge32.
Donkeys, Horses, Mules, and Evolution33.
When "Junk" DNA Isn't Junk35.
Homologies by Leonard R. Brand36.
Genetic Phylogeny by Sean D. Pitman, M.D. [see #1 and #2 for more about phylogenies]
The Search for an Evolutionary Mechanism by Ariel A. Roth - Lamarckism -> Darwinism -> Mutations -> Population Evolution -> Modern Synthesis -> Diversity Period
Biochemical Limits to Evolution39.
Information, Science, and Biology40.
Neo-Darwinism's Unsolved Problem of the Origin of Morphological Novelty41.
Intelligent Design: The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic Categories by Stephen C. Meyer42.
A Theory of Small Evolution by David A. Plaisted - distinguishing microevolution and macroevolution.
The Biblical Kinds Defined by David A. Plaisted44.
Life: Evidence for Creation by Prof. George T. Javor45.
Chemical Evolution by Rene Evard and David Schrodetzki46.
Fossil Patterns: A Classification and Evaluation by Jim Gibson47.
Evolutionary Theory: The Big Problems!Regardless of the age of Earth, Progressive Creationism has serious
flaws, such as the false teaching that the
Noachian flood was a local event using discredited anti-Ark arguments refuted by
John Woodmorappe and others. Unfortunately many of Hugh Ross's teachings are not scriptural. Nature is not the 67th book of the
Bible; Dual Revelation theory is false. It lacks scriptural support. The Bible is the infallible word of God but the earth and mankind's methodology is fallible as a result of sin and the Fall. His teachings seem to reveal a level of insecurity about the harmony of science and the Bible. The Hebrew in Genesis does not say that "the sun and stars were created before the earth, and merely ‘appeared’ to a hypothetical observer on earth on the fourth 'day'".
Job 40:17 and surrounding passages fit a sauropod dinosaur better than a hippo or elephant because of the nature of the tale; perhaps it is a crocodile but it is almost certainly not a mammal. I don't want to disparage Ross's Christianity, but sometimes his apologetics are indeed
dubious. If the Earth is old then some other Old Earth Creationism incorporating
Intelligent Design would be the best theory, but not Progressive Creationism as outlined by Hugh Ross.
http://theistic-evolution.com/theisticevolution.html says that the Noachian flood was local, but this is false. There are valid scriptural and scientific arguments supporting a
global flood and valid arguments refuting a local flood.